Montag, 14. November 2011

Jolly wolly goodbye

Dear readers

Everything in life has it's own time...there is a time to laugh, a time to cry, a time to be happy, a time to be sad, a time to be stuck, a time to move forward, a time to write, a time to reflect, a time to spend on your own, a time to spend with your friends, a time for sharing feelings and thoughts, a time to ...........

and for me, the time has come to say goodbye....

the time is here for me to move on....into a unknown future...into a new adventure...into something new....
to be able to do so and to walk my way through life i need to close doors behind me....and this will be one of them....

if you are wondering what i will be doing in the future i only can tell you.... i don't know.. i'll try to find my way in life (haven't done to badly till now ; )...i'll be trying to find more time for my art pieces i'm doing.... i'll try to find more time for writing....i'll try to live new adventures....these are all wishes...and i'll tries...but i can assure you: i will go out in this world.....i will live my life the happiest i can.. i will make the best out of it...and i will always look back to the time when little me was i'm proud that i was able to share my thoughts....and yes...sometimes they were a bit over the top or even crazy.. and a lot of music with you....

now, dear is time to say goodbye....

i wish you all to explore life at the most you can.....

and have a jolly wolly merry christmas and a happy new year.....
may 2012 and the following years be yours.....

Big hug

Freitag, 11. November 2011

Freitag, 4. November 2011